Sunday, April 26, 2009


Understanding the widespread growth and spread of jiu jitsu throughout the world was a driving motivation for my study. Through the window that burgeoning class size and increasing number of black belts outside of Brazil provide, we are well aware that the numbers of individuals taking up the sport/art has grown considerably over the last decade. But, by how much? Given the relatively recent diffusion of BJJ from Brazil, the dearth of academic attention to the art, and the lack of coordination and sometimes hostility between schools, at this time no detailed records or accounting exists to determine the exact number of practitioners. I would be reticent to even hazard a rough estimate.

But it is growing. People are taking up the art at an unprecedented rate. Rarely does a week go by without at least a couple of new white belts taking their place amongst the ranks.

What appeal does jiu jitsu have for the average person? and, just how many people worldwide are doing BJJ? I hope my study will shed some light on these questions. In the meantime, if you have some insight please let me know.


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