Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Misty - Blackbelt

I hinted in my previous post about my greatest friend Misty Shearer (my BFF as our partners joke!) being awarded her blackbelt on December 5th. I can think of no more deserving individual. She has given a tremendous amount of her time, her energy and herself to the sport and those that she teaches.

I, for one, doubt very much that I would be where I am in BJJ (purple belt, doing a study on the topic & etc.) without her help and encouragement. In fact, she taught the very first class I ever took and it is her enthusiasm and passion that has helped to fuel my BJJ fire.

Not only is Misty an amazing coach, but is infinitely knowledgeable about the sport. Ask her about any Pan Am or Mundial match from the last couple of decades and she'll tell you who won and how. She has also watched and studied almost every BJJ DVD ever produced. If you're having a problem with your guard passing game, she can point you to a vidoe or a clip that will almost certainly clean up your problem.

She is immensely talented. The week following her promotion she traveled to Vegas to compete at Grapplers' Quest. She won both the gi and no gi divisions. Impressive, no doubt!

Congratulations, Misty. Well earned!

1 comment:

slideyfoot said...

Congrats Misty! Always very cool to see a female BJJer rise to the black belt leve. :D