Monday, August 24, 2009

An Update...

I promised an update on my efforts to get martial arts generally and BJJ specifically recognized as a legitimate university field of study. For those new to this blog, I can tell you that this is an important goal of mine that I am pursuing in two interrelated ways:

First, this summer I approached Campus Rec about the possibility of having a BJJ club on campus. Given that BJJ is relatively new to the U. and there are no "official" classes being held on campus, they balked. I put "official" in quotations because I have been told, but have never seen them, that there is an unconfirmed group who have been practicing BJJ for a few years on campus. From what I have been told, they have been using the institution's mat space for some time - to the dismay of U. officials. Whatever the case, although campus rec balked at a BJJ club, they were willing to sanction BJJ classes. Small victories, eh?

Starting this Fall (September 12th, I think), I will be teaching BJJ classes on Monday's (4:30 to 6) and Friday's (3:30 to 5). Although the times are not ideal, I'm really looking forward to the opportunity. Originally, one of my main concerns was to ensure that classes were affordable. Successfully getting BJJ on the map at the University but making it inaccessible because of cost would be of little consequence. Truthfully, I wish I could offer classes for free. That being said, campus rec has honoured my request and is charging a reasonable amount for classes. It works out to about $140 for 4 months of classes 2 times per week.

Now, all I have to do is plan the classes. Elyse Goldberg over at Gringabjj is contemplating similar issues. Any advice as to how to structure classes would be appreciated.

I'll discuss the "other" strategy and my progress (or lack thereof) in my next post.


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