Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Time has gotten away on me! I can't believe how much time has past since my last post. So much is going on! Before I get to the subject of this post I have to mention how sincerely pissed I am about the snow on the ground here in Edmonton. It's not sufficiently sucky that we have 6 months of frozen terra firma, we are supposed to have another week of this - IT'S MAY!

On to the fun. Rodrigo Munduruca was in town this weekend for a seminar. My instructor had hinted that I was ready for promotion to purple belt a few weeks ago. However, Rod put any thoughts I was having to this end to rest when he mentioned at the beginning of the seminar that he was here only to roll and teach a seminar and, to my slight disappointment, any promotions would have to wait until his next visit. I had a great class - no pressure. I rolled with Rod for about 10 minutes (as you can see from the pictures, he's a big guy!) and he did his best not to squish me, while I tried to offer up my best resistance. I caught him with an omoplata and crusifix which seemed to surprise him...which is a good thing. (I don't know why I'm doing the "surfer" in this picture - not much surfing 'round these parts!).

At the end of class I was called to the front. Rod removed my belt and gave me a shiny new purple one. 

One of my training partners quipped that while the belt was pretty, it did little to make me look any better! Whatever the case, I was delighted and, I must admit, a little frightened. 

Big thanks to Misty Shearer who has guided, supported and assisted me with my progress throughout! I would not be where I am today without her!

The other guy in the picture is Brandon Hammond who was awarded his blue belt! You can't tell by this picture, but Brandon has some of the worst salad  this side of N'Sync. I've never seen anyone spend more time on his hair, yet have it still look fantastically abysmal. Great job Brandon (on the promotion, not the hair).

Thanks also to Kyle Cardinal for always making me feel welcome and being such an amazing teacher! Kyle's also a big dude. For such a monster he rolls like a cat. 



slideyfoot said...


Given your background and interests, does that up your desire to teach a class in the future?

Unknown said...

Hey Can;

Thanks for the congrats!

To your question: Yes, that is certainly the case. In fact, I am going to address this in my next post. I'm on the academic conference circuit at the moment, but will certainly post this when I get back.
